Office of the South Australian Small Business Commissioner

The Office of the South Australian Small Business Commissioner (SASBC) is an independent statutory authority set up in March 2012 to assist small business owners in South Australia resolve disputes with other business owners or state and local government.

The Commissioner is established under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2011.

The SASBC provides advice to business parties who are involved in a dispute to assist those parties in understanding their rights and responsibilities. However, the Commissioner does not provide legal advice.

Commencing 25 September 2021 Nerissa Kilvert was appointed by the Governor as the South Australian Small Business Commissioner.


  • Facilitate alternative dispute resolution processes between small businesses, and between small businesses and state or local government.
  • Advocate on behalf of the small business community, or a section of it, regarding collective issues.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders and engage with small businesses to provide information and guidance.
  • Regulate by administering and enforcing legislative powers and responsibilities assigned to the Small Business Commissioner.
  • Deliver a fair, timely and consistent services to, and on behalf of, South Australian small businesses.

Administered legislation

In addition to the Commissioner's role under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2011, the Small Business Commissioner is the statutory office holder responsible for the administration of the following Acts:

  • Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995: there is a role performed to monitor, investigate and ensure compliance with the Act. Further details about retail and commercial leasing matters and bonds are found on this site.
  • Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009: provides a mechanism for subcontractors and suppliers in the building and construction industry to claim money that is owing to them. Information on the building and construction Industry security of payment is found on this site.
  • Farm Debt Mediation Act 2018: provides for the mediation of disputes between farmers and creditors relating to debt incurred in the conduct of farming operations. Information on farm debt mediation is found on this site.

The Small Business Commissioner has additional responsibilities under the following Acts:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2012: the role of the Small Business Commissioner is to consult with small business and seek feedback on new codes of practice under the Act. Information on the WHS codes of practice is found on this site.
  • Late Payment of Government Debts (Interest) Act 2013: the role of the Small Business Commissioner is to act as an arbiter, in the event that there is a dispute between an agency and a small business vendor as to whether interest is payable on a particular overdue invoice.
  • COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020provided the opportunity for tenants and their landlords to negotiate in good faith and, where necessary for rental disputes between lessors and affected lessees that relate to the COVID-19 pandemic before 4 January 2021.

New logo for SASBC

SASBC logo

We are thrilled to introduce our new branding!

The Commissioner and her team are committed to championing, supporting and celebrating small businesses through the provision of a professional, impartial and empathetic service.

We believe our new logo is reflective of the support we provide to South Australian small business owners and echoes SASBC’s core purpose and values.

Effective communication goes to the heart of everything we do, and the intention is for our logo to reflect this.

We foster productive conversations between businesses and government entities, working towards fair and equitable outcomes in the resolution of disputes.

As a statutory authority, we provide an independent voice to amplify challenges and opportunities for small businesses.

Through collaborative conversation, SASBC assists small businesses in navigating the complexities of dealing with government.

Our vibrant purple featured in the logo has a bold warmth and is linked to trust, reliability and transformation – concepts fundamental to mediation and dispute resolution.

Working together with the cyan of SASBC’s old logo, it provides a great contrast and exciting colour palette, while maintaining a point of transition from our previous visual identity.

Lodge a dispute

Lodge a dispute

Do you as a business have a dispute with another business or state or local government?